Tuesday 12 September 2017

Welcome to Unit 22: Single Camera Drama


In this unit you will explore the characteristics of single camera production, and develop the creative, organisational and technical skills required to devise, plan and implement your own productions.
With the introduction of more television channels, some specifically dedicated to drama, the single camera drama production has become very popular with broadcasters and audiences. This means that there should be more opportunities for people with skills in single camera techniques to gain employment in this sector. This might be in terms of technical skills in production or creative skills in developing ideas into production.

This unit aims to give you an opportunity to use production skills, already gained from previous units, and develop them further to create a production using single camera techniques. The unit gives you the opportunity to explore existing single camera productions. This will help you to
think about, plan and produce your own productions. As part of this exploration you will investigate the use of camera scripts and storyboards as tools of storytelling.
You will develop the organisational skills required for the planning and implementation of a single camera drama production. You will identify key production roles and take on one or more of these roles during your own production. Set design, cinematography, lighting, use of sound and editing techniques will all be part of the skills you develop through following this unit. Health and safety issues will also be addressed in both location and studio shoots, with you producing risk assessments prior to any production work.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this unit you should:
1 Understand the features of single camera production
2 Be able to plan a single camera production
3 Be able to apply single camera techniques in a production.

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